Exceptional Sedation Dentistry | Sleep Dentistry by Dr. Joseph Khalil

At Arlington Dentistry By Design, Dr. Joseph Khalil is committed to helping patients obtain the healthy, beautiful smiles they deserve. In keeping with ther commitment, we provide cutting edge dental sedation, also known as sleep dentistry, for patients in Arlington VA and surrounding areas. By minimizing the fear many people often associate with visiting the dentist, sedation dentistry is transforming many patients’ dental experiences. Our team’s expertise, and our use of sopherticated dental technology, attracts patients throughout the area seeking the best in dental sedation. Check out our patient testimonials to see some examples! When you secure our services, you, too, can enjoy the many benefits of obtaining the dental treatment you need – without excessive anxiety.

Sleep Dentistry – Transforming Patients Dental Experiences

Sedation dentistry can be a life-changing option for patients who experience dental anxiety and, as a result, may worry about going to the dentist or even avoid seeking much-needed dental treatment. Dental sedatives induce a relaxed state before or at the beginning of a patient’s appointment so that he or she experiences little or no unease about the procedure. Some sedatives achieve a relatively mild effect, while others achieve a more pronounced effect similar to sleeping through the procedure (hence the term sleep dentistry). Sedation dentistry is compatible with a number of dental treatments, including many cosmetic, restorative, and general dentistry procedures.

If you suffer from dental anxiety, don’t wait another minute in securing the dental care you deserve. Contact our office today to learn more about how we can help reach your treatment goals with dental sedatives. We provide sedation (“sleep”) dentistry for patients in Arlington and outlying communities.

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Our Sedation Dentistry Services

Dr. Joseph Khalil provides a number of sedation dentistry options to best meet our patients’ needs, including:

Oral conscious sedation dentistry – delivers sedation in pill form, which the patient takes approximately one hour before her or her appointment. Oral conscious sedation achieves a moderate sedative effect.

Inhalation sedation dentistry – delivers sedation by inhalation (inhaled nitrous oxide gas, or “laughing gas”). Inhalation sedation achieves a mild sedative effect.

Intramuscular sedation dentistry

– delivers sedation by injection into the muscle tissue. Intramuscular sedation achieves a moderate to strong sedative effect.

Intravenous (IV) sedation dentistry

– delivers sedation by injection into the bloodstream. IV sedation achieves a strong sedative effect.

General anesthesia

– delivers sedation, typically by intravenous injection or inhaled gas. General anesthesia achieves a deep sedative effect.

Learn More about Sedation / Sleep Dentistry – Contact Dr. Joseph Khalil

Contact our office to learn more about how you may benefit from dental sedation. We provide sleep dentistry for patients in Arlington and surrounding communities. When you enlist our team’s services, we will strive to exceed your expectations.

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